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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Wisdom of God by Nancy Guthrie

This book is a brief 10 week study on the Wisdom Books of the Bible: Job- Song of Solomon.  However, it could easily be taken to 20 weeks or more if you want to do more of an in-depth Bible study.  Each lesson is divided into 3 parts:
  1. person time - laying the foundation
  2. teaching time - building on the foundation
  3. sharing time - sealing what is taught
 Guthrie wants to help her readers make sense of the world and strengthen their trust in God as they face the things that don't make sense.  She provides guidance for living in perfect wisdom.  She leads you to the starting place, which is the foot of the cross.  You'll find not only wise principles to live by, but also see the wise person that the Bible points to that has ever lived.  Upon request there are additional leader study resources to go along with this study.

Here is a little overview of the chapters
  • Job - "No Fair"  - you'll learn how to live in a world which seemingly innocent suffer 
  • Psalms - (5 lessons) - will provide praise and prayers and laments for express heart and mind to God
  1. The Songs of Jesus "Can't Stop This Feelin'"
  2. Blessing and Perishing in the Psalms  "Secure in the Storm"
  3. The Royal Psalms  "The Royal Wedding"
  4. Repentance in the Psalms  "Wash Me"
  5. The Suffering and Glory of Messiah in the Psalms  "Who is This Song About?"
  • Proverbs - "Wisdom Calling" - gives practical daily advice for living
  • Ecclesiastes - "What Really Matter" - you'll find requirements for living wisely
  • Song of Solomon - "Kiss Me" - provides wisdom regarding sexual desire

Visit the author's site here.

Visit here for more information about this book.

A copy of this book was provided for this review in exchange for this post by...


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